PRRs Approved
The PRRs listed here have been vetted through the approval process and posted to the PRR Website. To view the revisions considered during the administrative review, click on the “redline version” below to the related policies/regulations.
PRR Title | Sponsor | Action | Approved | Redline Version | |
Use of the University’s Names, Marks, Symbols, Images, and Copyrights (REG 01.25.06) | Senior Vice Provost and Director of Libraries | Non-substantive edits updating the name change of the Copyright and Digital Scholarship Center to the Open Knowledge Center. | OGC Review 02/06/2023 | REG 01.25.06 | |
Delegation of Authority to Sign Contracts (REG 01.20.02) | Senior Vice Provost and Director of Libraries | Non-substantive edits updating the name change of the Copyright and Digital Scholarship Center to the Open Knowledge Center. | OGC Review 02/06/2023 | REG 01.20.02 | |
Copyright Infringement – Policy Statement (REG 01.25.02) | Senior Vice Provost and Director of Libraries | Non-substantive edits updating the name change of the Copyright and Digital Scholarship Center to the Open Knowledge Center. | OGC Review 02/06/2023 | REG 01.25.02 | |
Copyright Regulation – Copyright Implementation Pursuant to Copyright Use and Ownership Policy of the University of North Carolina (REG 01.25.03) | Senior Vice Provost and Director of Libraries | Non-substantive edits updating the name change of the Copyright and Digital Scholarship Center to the Open Knowledge Center. | OGC Review 02/06/2023 | REG 01.25.03 | |
Security of Sensitive Plans Designs and Construction Documents Arrangements and Drawings (REG 04.00.08) | VC Maimone | Non-substantive edits to correct 2 minor spelling errors. | OGC Review 02/03/2023 | REG 04.00.08 | |
Responding to Allegations of Research Misconduct (REG10.00.02) | VC Vouk | Revised | Cabinet Review 1/24/2023 | REG 10.00.02 | |
New Employee Orientation (REG 05.00.01) | VC Maimone | Revised | Cabinet Review 1/24/2023 | REG 05.00.01 | |
Employee Eligibility Verification (REG 05.55.09) | VC Maimone | Revised | Cabinet Review 1/24/2023 | REG 05.55.09 | |
Flexible Work (REG 05.55.10) | VC Maimone | Revised | Cabinet Review 1/24/2023 | REG 05.55.10 | |
Additional Compensation Paid through the University (REG 05.58.01)
VC Maimone | Revised | Cabinet Review 1/24/2023 | REG 05.58.01 | |
Adverse Weather and Other Emergency Conditions (REG 04.20.07)
VC Maimone | Revised | Cabinet Review 12/13/2022 | REG 04.20.07 | |
Parking Fines – Payment and Collection (REG 07.60.01) |
VC Maimone | Repealed | Cabinet Review 12/13/2022 | REG 07.60.01 | |
Capital Assets – Additions (REG 07.30.11)
VC Maimone | Repealed | Cabinet Review 12/13/2022 | REG 07.30.11 | |
Payments – Small Purchases (REG 07.05.02) | VC Maimone | Repealed | Cabinet Review 12/13/2022 | REG 07.05.02 | |
Smoking Regulation for University Facilities (REG 04.20.03) | VC Maimone | Revised | Cabinet Review 12/13/2022 | REG 04.20.03 | |
Tree Removal Notification (REG07.25.08) | VC Maimone | Revised (Change to Rule) | Cabinet Review 12/13/2022 | REG 07.25.08 | |
Vehicular Access to Brick and Turf Areas (REG 07.25.09) | VC Maimone | Revised (Change to Rule) | Cabinet Review 12/13/2022 | REG 07.25.09 | |
Work Request (REG07.25.10) | VC Maimone | Revised (Change to Rule) | Cabinet Review 12/13/2022 | REG 07.25.10 | |
Obtaining a Vehicle from NC State Motor Pool (REG07.25.03) | VC Maimone | Revised (Change to Rule) | Cabinet Review 12/13/2022 | REG 07.25.03 | |
Course Load (REG 02.20.05) | Provost | Revised | CCM Review 10/4/2022 | REG 02.20.05 | |
Audits (REG 02.20.04) | Provost | Revised | CCM Review 10/4/2022 | REG 02.20.04 | |
Reduction, Revocation, or Non-Renewal of Athletically Related Financial Aid (REG 09.00.01) | Provost | Revised | CCM Review 9/6/2022 | REG 09.00.01 | |
Service Centers (REG 10.05.09) | VC Maimone | Revised | CCM Review 9/6/2022 | REG 10.05.09 | |
Appointment, Performance Review, and Promotion Policies for County Extension Personnel (REG 05.10.01) | Provost | Revised | CCM Review 8/23/2022 | REG 05.10.01 | |
Written Student Complaints (REG 11.35.04) | Provost | Revised | CCM Review 8/23/2022 | REG 11.35.04 | |
University Record Retention and Disposition Regulation (REG 01.25.12) | VC Newhart | Revised | Cabinet Review 7/12/2022 | REG 01.25.12 | |
Student International Travel and Approval of Study Abroad (REG 02.55.01) | Provost | Revised | CCM Review 7/12/2022 | REG 02.55.01 | |
Solicitation (REG 07.25.12) | VC Maimone | Repealed | CCM Review 6/28/2022 | REG 07.25.12 | |
Use of University Space (REG 11.55.02) | VC Maimone | Revised | Cabinet Review 6/28/2022 | REG 11.55.02 | |
Remote Work Location (REG 05.55.11) | AVC Danielson | Revised | Cabinet Review 5/17/2022 | REG 05.55.11 | |
Parking and Transportation Ordinances (POL 07.60.01) | VC Maimone | Revised | Cabinet Review 4/5/2022 BOT Review 4/21/2022 |
POL 07.60.01 | |
University Qualified Sponsorship Relationships (NEW REG) | Bohlander | New | Cabinet Review 2/22/2022 | NEW Sponsorship REG | |
Animal Care and Use Procedures (REG 10.10.01) | VC Vouk | Revised | Cabinet Review 1/11/2022 | REG 10.10.01 | |
Remote Work Location (NEW REG 05.55.11) | VC for OFA & AVC for HR | New | CCM Review 12/8/2021 | REG 05.55.11 | |
Board of Trustees Bylaws (POL 01.05.01) | Gentius | Revised | CCM Review 10/26/2021 | POL01.05.01 | |
Recognized Student Organizations (REG11.55.06) | VC Scott | Revised | CCM Review 10/26/2021 | REG 11.55.06 | |
Registered Student Organizations (REG 11.55.07) | VC Scott | Revised | CCM Review 10/26/2021 | REG 11.55.07 | |
Review of College Deans (REG 05.50.02) | Provost | Revised | CCM Review 10/12/2021 | REG 05.50.02 | |
Operation of Unmanned Aerial Systems (REG 10.10.09) | Hoit/Vouk | Revised | CCM Review 9/14/2021 | REG 10.10.09 | |
Flexible Work Arrangements (New REG 05.55.10) | Maimone | New | CCM Review 8/31/2021 | NEW REG | |
Payments – Tuition Charge Authorization (REG 07.05.03) | Maimone | Repealed | CCM Review 8/17/2021 | REG 07.05.03 | |
Eligibility for Continued Receipt of Financial Aid (REG 02.70.02) | Provost | Revised | CCM Review 8/17/2021 | REG 02.70.02 | |
Campus/Workplace Violence Prevention and Management (REG 04.05.02) | Maimone | Revised | CCM Review 6/22/2021 | REG 04.05.02 | |
Export Control Compliance (10.00.05) | Vouk | Revised | CCM Review 5/25/2021 | REG 10.00.05 | |
Parking and Transportation Ordinances (POL 07.60.01) | Maimone | Revised | CCM Review 4/13/2021 BOT 4/16/2021 | POL 07.60.01 | |
Board of Trustees of the Endowment Fund (POL 01.10.01) | Maimone | Revised | CCM Review 1/26/2021 | POL 01.10.01 | |
Additional Compensation Paid through the University (REG 05.58.01) | Williams | Revised | CCM Review 12/8/2020 | REG 05.58.01 | |
Title IX Sexual Harassment Policy (POL 04.25.07) | Newhart | Non-substantive revisions to revise the effective date | CCM FYI 12/8/2020 | POL 04.25.07 | |
Code of Student Conduct (POL11.35.01) | Newhart | Non-substantive revisions to revise the effective date | CCM FYI 12/8/2020 | POL 11.35.01 | |
Equal Opportunity, Non-Discrimination & Affirmative Action Policy (POL 04.25.05) | Newhart | Non-substantive revisions to revise the effective date | CCM FYI 12/8/2020 | POL 04.25.05 | |
Title IX Sexual Harassment Complaint Resolution Procedures (REG 04.25.08) | Newhart | Non-substantive revisions to revise the effective date | CCM FYI 12/8/2020 | REG 04.25.08 | |
Discrimination, Harassment and Retaliation Complaint Procedures (REG 04.25.02) | Newhart | Non-substantive revisions to revise the effective date | CCM FYI 12/8/2020 | REG 04.25.02 | |
Student Discipline Procedures (REG 11.35.02) | Newhart | Non-substantive revisions to revise the effective date | CCM FYI 12/8/2020 | REG 11.35.02 | |
Phased Retirement Program for Tenured Faculty (REG 05.57.01) | Marie Williams | Revised | CCM Review 11/17/2020 | REG 05.57.01 | |
BOT Bylaws (POL 01.05.01) | Allison Newhart | Revised | CCM Review 11/17/2020 BOT Approval 11/13/2020 | POL 01.05.01 | |
Test and Examinations (REG 02.20.14) | Provost | Revised | CCM Review 10/20/2020 | REG 02.20.14 | |
RPT Dossier Format Requirements (REG 05.20.20) | Provost | Revised | CCM Review 10/20/2020 | REG 05.20.20 | |
Post Tenure Review of Faculty (REG 05.20.04) | Provost | Revise | CCM Review 10/20/2020 | REG 05.20.04 | |
Director of Youth Programs and Compliance (REG 01.25.18) | Maimone | Revised | CCM Review 9/22/2020 | REG 01.25.18 | |
POL 03.00.02 – Criteria and Procedures for Naming Facilities and Programs | Sischo | Revised | Cabinet Review 8/11/2020 BOT Approval 9/11/2020 | REG 03.00.02 | |
POL 03.00.01 – Coordination of Fundraising Activities and Acceptance of Private Donations (Gifts) |
Sischo | Revised | Cabinet Review 8/11/2020 BOT Approval 9/11/2020 | REG 03.00.01 | |
REG 04.25.02 – Discrimination, Harassment and Retaliation Complaint Procedures | Scwab | Revised | Cabinet Review 8/11/2020 | REG 04.25.02 | |
NEW REG – 04.25.08 Title IX Sexual Harassment Resolution Procedure | Schwab | New | Cabinet Review 8/11/2020 | NEW REG Title IX 04.25.08 | |
REG 11.35.02 – Student Discipline Procedures | Zapata | Revised | Cabinet Review 8/11/2020 | REG 11.35.02 | |
New REG 03.00.04 – Review of Facility Namings for Removal | Sischo | New | Cabinet Review 8/11/2020 | NEW REG 03.00.04 | |
REG 05.10.01- Appointment, Performance Review, and Promotion Policies for County Extension Agencies | Provost | Revised | Cabinet Review 8/11/2020 | REG 05.10.01 Talking Points |
Motor Vehicle Insurance & Risk Management (REG 07.35.03) | Maimone | Revised | Cabinet Review 7/14/2020 | REG 07.35.03 | |
All Risk Insurance Coverage Management (REG 07.35.01) | Maimone | Repealed | Cabinet Review 7/14/2020 | REG 07.35.01 | |
Campers Insurance (REG 07.35.02) | Maimone | Repealed | Cabinet Review 7/14/2020 | REG 07.35.02 | |
Property Insurance Coverage (REG 07.35.04) | Maimone | Repealed | Cabinet Review 7/14/2020 | REG 07.35.04 | |
Adding and Dropping Courses (REG 02.20.02) | Provost | Revised | CCM Review 7/28/2020 | REG 02.20.02 | |
Equal Opportunity, Non-Discrimination and Affirmative Action Policy (POL 04.25.05) | Provost | Revised | Cabinet Review 6/09/2020 BOT Approval 7/15/2020 | POL 04.25.05 | |
Title IX Sexual Harassment Policy (NEW POL 04.25.07) | Provost | New | Cabinet Review 6/09/2020 BOT Approval 7/15/2020 | NEW POL 04.25.07 | |
Code of Student Conduct (POL 11.35.01) | Provost | Revised | Cabinet Review 6/09/2020 BOT Approval 7/15/2020 | POL 11.35.01 | |
Eligibility for Continued Receipt of Financial Aid (REG 02.70.02) | Provost | Revised | CCM Review 6/9/2020 | REG 02.70.02 | |
Post Tenure Review of Faculty (REG 05.20.04) | Provost | Revised | CCM Review 6/9/2020 | REG 05.20.04 | |
Dispute Resolution and Grievance Regulation for Postdoctoral Scholars and House Officers (NEW REG 05.25.07) | Provost | New | CCM Review 6/9/2020 | NEW REG | |
Additional Compensation Paid through the University (REG 05.58.01) | Maimone/Provost | Revised | CCM Review 6/9/2020 | REG 05.58.01 | |
Course Syllabus (REG 02.20.07) | Provost | Revised | CCM Review 5/27/2020 | REG 02.20.07 | |
Parking and Transportation Ordinances (POL 07.60.01) | Maimone | Revised | CCM Review 4/7/2020 BOT Approval 4/24/2020 |
POL 07.60.01 | |
Review of Academic Department Heads (REG 05.50.03) | Provost | Revised | CCM Review 4/28/2020 | REG 05.50.03 | |
Review of Academic Faculty Members (REG 05.20.03) | Provost | Revised | CCM Review 4/28/2020 | REG 05.20.03 | |
Consultation and Written Assessments, Recommendations and Responses in RPT Review (REG 05.20.05) | Provost | Revised | CCM Review 4/28/2020 | REG 05.20.05 | |
Family Educational Rights and Privacy (FERPA) (REG 11.00.01) | Zapata | Revised | CCM Review 4/14/2020 | REG 11.00.01 | |
BOT Bylaws (POL 01.05.01) | Maimone | Revised | CCM Review 2/4/2020 BOT Approval 2/27/2020 | POL-01.05.01 | |
Professional Faculty Ranks and Appointments (REG 05.20.34) | Provost | Revised | CCM Review 2/18/2020 | REG 05.20.34 | |
Special Responsibility Constituent (REG 07.15.03) | Maimone | Revised | CCM Review 12/17/2019 | REG 07.15.03 | |
University Budget Revision Instructions (REG 07.15.01) | Maimone | Repealed | CCM Review 12/17/2019 | REG 07.15.01 | |
Capital Improvement Budgeting Procedures (REG 07.15.02) | Maimone | Repealed | CCM Review 12/17/2019 | REG 07.15.02 | |
Appointment, Reappointment and Permanent Tenure (POL 05.20.01) | Provost | Revised | CCM Review 11/5/2019 BOT Approval 11/22/2019 | POL 05.20.01 | |
Faculty Grievance and Non-Reappointment Review Policy (POL 05.25.01) | Provost | Revised | CCM Review 11/5/2019 BOT Approval 11/22/2019 | POL 05.25.01 | |
Written Student Complaints (NEW REG 11.35.04) | Provost | New | CCM Review 11/19/2019 | NEW REG | |
Grievance Procedures for Undergraduate Students (REG 11.40.01) | Provost | Repeal | CCM Review 11/19/2019 | REG 11 40 01 | |
Grievance Procedures for Graduate Students (REG 11.40.02) | Provost | Repeal | CCM Review 11/19/2019 | REG 11 40 02 | |
Faculty Grievance and Non-Reappointment Review Procedures (REG 05.25.04) | Provost | Revised | CCM Review 11/5/2019 | REG 05.25.04 | |
Faculty Discharge Hearing Procedures (REG 05.25.05) | Provost | Revised | CCM Review 11/5/2019 | REG 05.25.05 | |
Programs that Involve the Participation of Minors (REG 01.25.18) | Provost | Revised | CCM Review 11/5/2019 | REG 01.25.08 | |
Alcohol Policy | Newhart | Revised | CCM 06/11/2019 BOT 07/10/2019 | POL 04.20.02 | |
Watauga Medal (POL 01.30.03) | Sischo | Revised | CCM 06/11/2019 BOT 07/10/2019 | POL 01.30.03 | |
Equal Opportunity, Non-Discrimination and Affirmative Action Policy (POL 04.25.05) | Schwab | Revised | CCM 06/11/2019 BOT 07/10/2019 | POL 04.25.05 | |
Data Management (REG 08.00.03) | Hoit | Revised | CCM Review 9/10/2019 | Reg 08.00.03 | |
Identification and Performance Management of Selected Students Requiring Special Consideration for Admissions (REG 02.10.04) | Provost | Revised | CCM Review 9/10/2019 | REG 02.10.04 | |
Ticketing Regulation (REG 11.65.03) | Zapata | Revised | CCM Review 9/10/2019 | REG 11.65.03 | |
Contract Ticketing Rule (REG 11.65.01) | Zapata | Revised | CCM Review 9/10/2019 | REG 11.65.01 | |
Billing Procedure (REG 11.45.01) | Zapata | Revised | CCM Review 9/10/2019 | REG 11.45.01 | |
Personal Care Attendants for Students with Disabilities (REG 04.20.06) | Zapata | Revised | CCM Review 9/10/2019 | REG 04.20.06 | |
Academic Accommodations for Students with Disabilities (REG 02.20.01) | Zapata | Revised | CCM Review 9/10/2019 | REG 02.20.01 | |
Refund Regulation (REG 11.65.02) | Zapata | Repealed | CCM Review 9/10/2019 | REG 11.65.02 | |
Recording Lectures and Discussions (REG 02.20.11) | Zapata | Revised | CCM Review 9/10/2019 | REG 02.20.11 | |
Human Research Subjects (REG 10.10.03) | Vouk | Revised | CCM 7/30/2019 | REG 10.10.03 | |
Board of Trustees Bylaws (POL 01.05.01) | Newhart | Revised | CCM 7/9/2019 | POL 01.05.01 | |
Alcohol Policy (POL 04.20.02) | Newhart | Revised | CCM 7/9/2019 | POL 04.20.02 | |
Alcohol Regulation (REG 04.20.01) | Newhart | Revised | CCM 7/9/2019 | REG 04.20.01 | |
Review of College Deans (REG 05.50.02) | Provost | Revised | CCM 7/9/2019 | REG 05.50.02 | |
Review of Vice Chancellor and Dean of Academic and Student Affairs, Dean of Graduate School, and Vice Provosts (REG 05.50.05) | Provost | Revised | CCM 7/9/2019 | REG05.50.05 | |
REG 06.10.01: Approval of Noncredit Course Offerings to Award Continuing Education Units (CEUs)
REG 06.10.02: Course Registration Rate Structure, Discounts, and Training Lab Rentals REG 06.10.03: Computer Training Unit (CTU) Course Cancellation, Refunds, and Rescheduling REG 06.10.04: Fee Refunds REG 06.10.05: Class Cancellations Due to Weather/Climatic Conditions REG 06.10.06: Noncredit Course Fee Discounts REG 06.10.07: Noncredit Course Fee Refunds and Course Cancellation REG 06.10.08: Nondegree – Noncredit Educational Activities Process REG 06.10.09: Teacher Certificate Renewal through Completion of Computer Training Unit (CTU) Courses |
Provost | Repealed | CCM 7/9/2019 | PRR Routing | |
Parking and Transportation Ordinance (POL 07.60.01) | Rainer | Revised | Cabinet Review 3/19/2019 BOT Approval 4/18/2019 | POL 07.60.01 | |
Professorships of Distinction (REG 05.20.17) | Provost | Revised | Cabinet Review 3/19/2019 | REG05.20.17 | |
Annual Reviews of Faculty Members (REG 05.20.03) | Provost | Revised | Cabinet Review 3/5/2019 | REG 05.20.03 | |
Post-Tenurei Review of Faculty (REG 05.20.24) | Provost | Revised | Cabinet Review 3/5/2019 | REG 05.20.04 | |
Consultation and Written Assessments, Recommendations and Responses in RPT Review (REG 05.20.05) | Provost | Revised | Cabinet Review 3/5/2019 | REG 05.20.05 | |
RPT Dossier Format Requirements (REG 05.20.20) | Provost | Revised | Cabinet Review 3/5/2019 | REG 05.20.20 | |
Non-Salary and Deferred Compensation (POL 05.15.03) | Williams | Revised | Cabinet Review 12/18/2018 BOT Approval 2/22/2019 | POL 05.15.03 | |
Computer Use Regulation (REG 08.00.02) | Hoit | Revised | Cabinet Review 02/19/2019 | REG 08.00.02 | |
Crisis Communication Protocol (REG 04.00.01) | Sischo | Revised | Cabinet Review 01/29/2019 | REG04.00.01 | |
Assessment of Academic Program (REG 02.90.01) | Provost | Revised | Cabinet Review 01/08/2019 | REG 02.90.01 | |
Adverse Weather and Other Conditions (REG 04.20.07) | Williams | Revised | Cabinet Review 12/18/18 | REG 04.20.07 | |
Academic Honors (REG 02.30.01) | Mullen | Revised | Cabinet Review 10/30/2018 | REG 02.30.01 | |
Academic Requirements for Completion of the USP (REG 02.80.01) | Mullen | Repeal | Cabinet Review 10/30/2018 | REG 02.80.01 | |
Academic Requirements to Remain in the USP (REG 02.80.02) | Mullen | Repeal | Cabinet Review 10/30/2018 | REG 02.80.02 | |
Evaluations, Feedback to Students (REG 02.20.09) | Mullen | Repeal | Cabinet Review 10/30/2018 | REG 02.20.09 | |
University Highest Ranking Scholars (REG 02.05.06) | Mullen | Repeal | Cabinet Review 10/30/2018 | REG 02.50.06 | |
Statements of Faculty Responsibility (REG 05.20.27) | Provost | Revised | Cabinet Review 10/30/2018 | REG 05.20.27 | |
Operation of Unmanned Aerial Systems (REG 10.10.09) | Hoit/Rebar | Revised | CCM Reviewed 9/18/2018 | REG 10.10.09 | |
Drug Education Screening, Counseling, and Deterrence Program (REG 09.00.04) | Yow | Revised | CCM Review 8/28/2018 | REG 09.00.04 | |
Delegation of Signature Authority (REG 01.20.02) | Yow | Revised | CCM Review 8/14/2018 | REG 01.20.02 | |
Code of Student Conduct (POL 11.35.01 | Mullen | Revised | CCM Review 6/12/2018 BOT Review 7/19/2018 | POL 11.35.01 | |
Equal Opportunity, Non-Discrimination and Affirmative Action Policy (POL 04.25.02) | Provost | Revised | CCM Review 6/12/2018 BOT Review 7/19/2018 | POL 04.25.05 | |
Watauga Medal (POL 01.30.03) | Sischo | Revised | CCM Review 6/12/2018 BOT Review 7/19/2018 | POL 01.30.03 | |
Faculty Grievance and Non-Reappointment Review Policy (POL 05.25.01) | Provost | Revised | CCM Review 6/12/2018 BOT Review 7/19/2018 | POL 07.60.01 | |
Transfer of Sponsored Projects (REG 10.10.07) | Rebar/Douglass | Revised | CCM Review 7/17/2018 | REG 10.10.07 | |
Student Discipline Procedures (REG 11.35.02) | Mullen | Revised | CCM Review 7/17/2018 | REG 11.35.02 | |
Painting, Chalking, Posters, and Temporary Outdoor Signage (REG 11.55.04) | Mullen | Revised | CCM Review 6/12/2018 | REG11.55.04 | |
Scholarly Reassignment for Faculty (REG 05.20.04) | Provost | Revised | CCM Review 6/12/2018 | REG05.20.24 | |
Endpoint Protection Standard (New RUL 08.00.18) | Hoit | New | CCM Review 5/1/2018 | New RUL 08.00.18 | |
Parking and Transportation Ordinance (POL 07.60.01) | Douglass | Revised | CCM Review 3/27/2018 BOT Approval 4/17/2018 | POL 07.60.01 | |
SHRA Successive Discipline (REG 05.70.01) | Douglass | Repealed | CCM Review 3/13/2018 | REG 05.70.01 | |
Delegations of Signature Authority (REG 01.20.02) | Goldgeier | Revised | CCM Review 3/13/2018 | REG 01.20.02 | |
Freedom of Speech and Expression (POL 04.25.01) | Goldgeier | Revised | CCM Review 2/13/2018
BOT Review 2/15/2018 |
POL 04.25.01 | |
Computer Use (REG 08.00.02) | Goldgeier | Revised | CCM Review 2/13/2018 | REG 08.00.02 | |
Continuation of Undergraduate Enrollment (REG 02.05.01) | Provost | Revised | CCM Review 2/13/2018 | REG 02.05.01 | |
Progress Toward Undergraduate Degree (REG 02.05.03) | Provost | Revised | CCM Review 2/13/2018 | REG 02.05.03 | |
Reserving Space in the Talley Student Center (REG 11.60.03) | Douglass | Repealed | CCM Review 2/13/2018 | REG 11.60.3 | |
FERPA (REG 11.00.01) | Goldgeier | Revised | CCM Review 1/23/2018 | REG 11.00.01 | |
Tenure Clock (REG 05.20.31) | Provost | Revised | CCM Review 1/23/2018 | REG 05.20.31 | |
Membership in the Graduate Faculty (REG 02.40.01) | Provost | Revised | CCM Review | REG 02.40.01 | |
Use of University Space (REG 11.55.02) | Provost | Revised | CCM Review 12/12/2017 |
Faculty Grievance and Non-Reappointment Review Procedures (REG 05.25..04) | Provost | Revised | CCM Review 11/28/2017 | REG 05.25.04 | |
Annual Evaluation of EHRA Non-Faculty (REG 05.50.08) | Douglass | Revised | CCM Review 11/7/2017 | REG 05.50.08 | |
University Record Retention & Disposition Regulation (REG 01.25.12) | Goldgeier | Revised | CCM Review 10/17/2017 | REG 01.25.12 | |
Non-Salary and Deferred Compensation (POL 05.15.03) | Goldgeier | Revised | CCM Review 8/22/2017 BOT Review 9/22/2017 | POL 05.15.03 | |
Recognized Student Organizations (REG 11.55.06) | Mullen | Revised | CCM Review 8/22/2017 | Reg 11.55.06 | |
Registered Student Organizations (REG 11.55.07) | Mullen | Revised | CCM Review 8/22/2017 | REG 11.55.07 | |
Financial Aid – Eligibility for Continued Receipt of Financial Aid (REG 02.70.02) | Provost | Revised | CCM Review 8/8/2017 | REG 02.70.02 | |
Postdoctoral Scholars (REG 10.10.08) | Provost | Revised | CCM Review 8/8/2017 | REG 10.10.08 | |
Campus/Workplace Violence Prevention and Management (04.05.02) | Douglass | Revised | CCM Review 7/25/2017 | REG 04.05.02 | |
BOT Bylaws (POL 01.05.01) | Goldgeier | Revised | BOT Review 7/17/2017
CCM Review 6/27/2017 |
POL 01.05.01 | |
Code of Student Conduct (POL 11.35.01) | Mullen | Revised | BOT Review 7/17/2017
CCM Review 6/27/2017 |
POL11.35.01 | |
Review of Academic Department Heads/Chairs (REG 05.50.03) | Provost | Revised | CCM Review 7/11/2017 | REG 05.50.03 | |
Student Discipline Procedures (REG 11.35.02) | Mullen | Revised | CCM Review 6/27/2017 | REG 11.35.02 | |
Outdoor Assemblies, Events and Public Addresses (REG 11.55.02) | Mullen | Revised | CCM Review 6/27/2017 | REG 11.55.02 | |
ICT Accessibility (REG 04.25.05) | Hoit | Revised | CCM Review 5/23/2017 | REG 04.25.05 | |
Equipment Acquisition, Management, Transfer and Loans (NEW REG 10.05.04) | Douglass/Rebar | New | CCM Review 5/23/2017 | NEW REG | |
Transfers of Funds (REG 07.30.01) | Douglass | Repealed | CCM Review 5/23/2017 | REG 07.30.01 | |
Receipt Centers – Operation and Use (REG 07.30.03) | Douglass | Repealed | CCM Review 5/23/2017 | REG 07.30.03 | |
Receipt Centers – Request for Authorization (REG 07.30.04) | Douglass | Repealed | CCM Review 5/23/2017 | REG 07.30.04 | |
University Billings – Interdepartmental Transfer (IDT) (REG 07.30.05) | Douglass | Repealed | CCM Review 5/23/2017 | REG 07.30.05 | |
University Billings – Service Unit Billing (REG 07.30.06) | Douglass | Repealed | CCM Review 5/23/2017 | REG 07.30.06 | |
University Billings – University Invoices (REG 07.30.07) | Douglass | Repealed | CCM Review 5/23/2017 | REG 07.30.07 | |
Capital Assets – Responsibilities (REG 07.30.15) | Douglass | Repealed | CCM Review 5/23/2017 | REG 07.30.15 | |
Capital Assets – Retirement (REG 07.30.16) | Douglass | Repealed | CCM Review 5/23/2017 | REG 07.30.16 | |
Capital Assets – Storage of Equipment (REG 07.30.17) | Douglass | Repealed | CCM Review 5/23/2017 | REG 07.30.17 | |
POL 07.60.01 Parking and Transportation Ordinance (POL 07.60.01) | Douglass | Revised | CCM Review 4/11/2017 | POL 07.60.01 | |
Operation of Unmanned Aircraft Systems (REG 10.10.09) | Hoit & Rebar | Revised | CCM Information Only 3/28/2017 | REG 10.10.09 | |
Professorships of Distinction (REG 05.20.17) | Provost | Revised | CCM Review 3/28/2017 | REG 05.20.17 | |
Trespassing on University Property (REG 04.05.01) | Douglass | Revised | CCM Review 3/14/2017 | REG 04.05.01 | |
Additional Compensation Paid through the University (REG 05.58.01) | Provost/Douglass | Revised | CCM Review 2/24/2017 | REG 05.58.01 | |
Antivirus Software Requirement (REG 08.00.10) | Hoit | Revised | CCM Review 2/14/2017 | REG 08.00.10 | |
Student International Travel and Approval of Study Abroad (NEW REG) | Provost | New | CCM Review 2/14/2017 | New REG | |
Purchase Card (REG 07.45.05) | Douglass | Revised | CCM Review 1/24/2017 | REG 07.45.05 | |
Open Meetings (New REG) | Goldgeier | New | CCM Review 12/13/2016` | NEW REG 04.00.03 | |
Animals in University-Owned Housing Facilities (NEW RUL 11.30.07) | Mullen | New | CCM Review 11/22/2016 | NEW RUL 11.30.07 | |
Delegations of Authority to Sign Contracts (REG 01.20.02) | Goldgeier | Revised | CCM Review 11/22/2016 | REG 01.20.02 | |
Progress Towards Undergraduate Degree (REG 02.05.03) | Provost | Revised | CCM Review 10/04/2016 | REG02.05.03 | |
Withdrawal from the University (REG 02.05.04) | Provost | Revised | CCM Review 10/04/2016 | REG02.05.04 | |
Eligibility for Continued Receipt of Financial Aid (REG 02.70.02) | Provost | Revised | CCM Review 10/04/2016 | REG02.70.02 | |
Display, Distribution and Solicitation Requests (RUL 02.61.04) | Provost | Repealed | EOM Notification 8/9/2016 | RUL 02.61.04 | |
Procedure for Formatting, Adopting, and Publishing PRRs (REG 01.25.05) | Goldgeier | Revised | EOM Review 7/12/2016 | REG 01.25.05 | |
Professorships of Distinction (REG 05.20.17) | Provost | Revised | EOM Review 7/12/2016 | REG 05.20.17 | |
Online Course Material Host Requirements (REG 08.00.11) | Provost | Revised | EOM Notification 7/12/2016 | REG 08.00.11 | |
College of Natural Resources Named Professorship Award Procedure (RUL 05.21.01) | Provost | Revised | EOM Notification 7/12/2016 | RUL 05.21.01 | |
Moise A. Khayrallah Distinguished Professorship Award Procedure (RUL 05.21.21) | Provost | Revised | EOM Notification 7/12/2016 | RUL 05.21.21 | |
Department of Textile and Apparel Technology and Management RPT Standards and Procedures (RUL 05.67.800) | Provost | Revised | EOM Notification 7/12/2016 | RUL 05.67.800 | |
Mullen | Revised | EOM Notification 7/12/2016 | REG 11.45.02 | |
Immunization Requirements (REG 11.45.03) | Mullen | Repealed | EOM Notification 7/12/2016 | REG 11.45.03 | |
Informed Consent for Treatment (REG 11.45.04) | Mullen | Repealed | EOM Notification 7/12/2016 | REG 11.45.04 | |
Medical Excuses (REG 11.45.05) | Mullen | Repealed | EOM Notification 7/12/2016 | REG 11.45.05 | |
Release of Medical Information (REG 11.45.06) | Mullen | Repealed | EOM Notification 7/12/2016 | REG 11.45.06 | |
Student Comments and Complaints (REG 11.45.07) | Mullen | Repealed | EOM Notification 7/12/2016 | REG 11.45.07 | |
Termination of Patient Care (REG 11.45.08) | Mullen | Repealed | EOM Notification 7/12/2016 | REG 11.45.08 | |
Tuition Waiver for Faculty and Staff (REG 01.25.05) | Goldgeier | Revised | EOM Information 6/7/2016 | POL 07.55.08 | |
Online Course Material Host Requirements (REG 08.00.11) | Provost | Revised | EOM Information 6/7/2016 | REG 08.00.11 | |
Equipment Acquisition and Management (REG 10.05.04) | Goldgeier | Minor Revision | REG 10.05.04 | ||
Disposal of University Property (REG 07.40.01) | Goldgeier | Minor Revision | REG 07.40.01 | ||
Data Management Procedures (REG 08.00.03) | Goldgeier | Minor Revision | REG 08.00.03 | ||
Programs that Involve the Participation of Minors (NEW REG 01.25.18) | Arden/Goldgeier | New | EOM Review 4/12/2016 | NEW REG 01.25.18 | |
Parking and Transportation Ordinance (POL 07.60.01) | Douglass (Rainer) | Revised | EOM Review 4/12/2016 | POL 07.60.01 | |
Electronic Security Management System (SMS) (REG 04.05.03) | Douglass (Rainer) | Revised | EOM Review 4/12/2016 | REG 04.05.03 | |
Use of NCSU Libraries (RUL 02.61.05) | Provost | Revised | EOM Notification 4/12/2016 | RUL02.61.05 | |
Eligibility for Continued Receipt of Financial Aid (REG 02.70.02) | Provost | Revised | EOM Review 3/29/2016 | REG 02.70.02 | |
NC State Security Standards for Sensitive Data Systems (NEW RULE 08.00.16) | Hoit | New | EOM Notification
3/29/2016 |
NEW RUL 08.00.16 | |
Delegations of Authority to Sign Contracts (REG 01.20.02) | Rebar | Revised | EOM Review 3/29/2016 | REG 01.20.02 | |
Annual Evaluation of EHRA Non-Faculty (REG 05.50.08) | Goldgeier | Revised | EOM Review 3/29/2016 | REG 05.50.08 | |
Parking and Transportation Ordinance (POL 07.60.01) | Douglass (Rainer) | Revised | EOM Review 3/29/2016 | POL 07.60.01 | |
Instructor Qualifications (REG 05.20.40) | Provost | Revised | EOM Review 03/01/2016 | REG 05.20.04 | |
Adverse Weather and Other Emergency Conditions (REG 04.20.07) | Lambert | Revised | EOM Review 02/16/2016 | REG 04.20.07 | |
Third-Level URL Naming Standard (NEW RUL 08.00.15 | Hoit | New | Information Only 1/19/2016 | New RUL 08.00.15 | |
Fraternities and Sororities: Procedures for Recruitment, Intake, and New Member Activities (RUL 11.56.03) | Mullen | Revised | EOM Information 12/8/2015 | RUL11.56.03 | |
Fraternities and Sororities: Procedures for Recruitment and New Member Activities (RUL 11.56.04) | Mullen | Repealed | EOM Information 12/8/2015 | RUL11.56.04 | |
Additional Compensation Paid Through the University (REG 05.58.01) | Provost | Revised | EOM Review 11/10/2015 | REG 05.58.01 | |
Annual Evaluation of EHRA Non-Faculty (REG 05.50.08) | Goldgeier | Revised | EOM Preliminary Review 11/10/2015 | REG 05.50.08 | |
Drug Education, Screening, Counseling and Deterrence Program (REG 09.00.04) | Yow | Revised | EOM Review 10/27/2015 | NCSU REG 09.00.04 | |
College of Education RPT Standards and Procedures (RUL 05.67.204) | Provost | Revised | EOM Information 10/27/2015 | RUL 05.67.204 | |
College of Humanities and Social Sciences RPT Standards and Procedures (RUL 05.67.411) | Provost | Revised | EOM Information 10/27/2015 | RUL 05.67.411 | |
System and Software Security Patching Standard (New RUL 08.00.14) | Hoit | New | EOM Information 10/13/2015 | NEW RUL 08.00.14 | |
Recognized Fraternities and Sororities within the Recognized Fraternities and Sororities with the Department of Fraternity and Sorority Life: Rule for Gaining and Maintaining Recognition (RUL 11.56.02) | Mullen | Revised | EOM Information 10/13/2015 | RUL 11.56.02 | |
Social Event Rule for NC State University Fraternities and Sororities Hosting Social Events on Greek Village (RUL 11.56.01) | Mullen | Revised | EOM Information 10/13/2015 | RUL 11.56.01 | |
Data Management Procedures (REG 08.00.03) | Hoit | Revised | EOM Review 9/1/2015 | REG 08.00.03 | |
Networked Printer Security Standard (NEW RUL 08.00.13) | Hoit | New | EOM Information 9/1/2015 | RUL 08.00.13 | |
Use of NCSU Libraries (RUL 02.61.05) | Provost | Revised | EOM Information 9/1/2015 | RUL 02.61.05 | |
Computer Use Regulation (REG 08.00.02) | Hoit | Revised | EOM Review 8/18/2015 | REG 08.00.02 | |
Drug and Alcohol Free Workplace (NEW REG 04.20.10) | Leffler | New REG | EOM Review 7/21/2015 | NEW REG Drug & Alcohol Free Workplace | |
Equal Opportunity and Non-Discrimination Training for Employees (REG 04.25.06) | Goldgeier Provost | Revised | EOM 3/31/2015 5/26/2015; 6/9/2015 | REG 04.25.06 | |
Operation of Unmanned Aerial Systems (NEW REG 10.10.09) | Hoit & Vouk | New REG | EOM Review 7/21/2015 | NEW REG UAS | |
Poole Collegement of Management RPT Standards & Procedures (RUL 05.67.503 | Provost | Revised | EOM Information 7/21/2015 | RUL 05.67.503 | |
Smoking Policy (REG 04.20.03) | Leffler | Revised | EOM Information 7/7/2015 | REG 04.20.03 | |
Associated Entity – Creation and Retention (REG 01.25.13) | Leffler | Repealed | EOM Review 7/7/2015 | REG 01.25.13 | |
Centers and Institutes (REG 10.10.04) | Vouk | Revised | EOM Review 7/7/2015 | REG 10.10.04 | |
Evaluation of Teaching (REG 05.20.10) | Provost | Revised | EOM Information 7/7/2015 | REG 05.20.10 | |
Non-Tenure Track Faculty Ranks and Appointments (REG 05.20.34) | Provost | Revised | EOM Information 7/7/2015 | REG 05.20.34 | |
Post Tenure Review of Faculty (REG 05.20.04) | Provost | Revised | EOM Information 7/7/2015 | REG 05.20.04 | |
Use of NCSU Libraries “WolfWikis” Service (RUL 02.61.01) | Provost | Repealed | EOM Information 7/7/2015 | RUL 02.61.01 | |
Equal Opportunity and Non-Discrimination Training for Employees (REG 04.25.06) | Provost | New | EOM Review 5/26/2015 6/9/2015 |
REG 04.25.06 | |
Social Media (New REG) | Sischo | New | EOM Review 6/9/2015 | NEW REG – Social Media | |
Surveys of NC State Students, Alumni, Faculty, Staff and/or Administrators (NEW REG 01.25.17) | Provost | New | EOM Review 5/26/2015 | REG 01.25.17 | |
Undergraduate Readmission and Appeals (RUL 02.66.01) | Provost | Revised | EOM Information 5/26/2015 | RUL 02.66.01 | |
Continuation of Undergraduate Enrollment (Suspension Regulation) (REG 02.05.01) | Provost | Revised | EOM Information 5/12/2015 | REG 02.05.01 | |
Satisfactory Academic Progress (REG 02.05.03) | Provost | Revised | EOM Information 5/12/2015 | REG 02.05.03 | |
Political Activities (NEW POL 05.00.04) | General Counsel | News | EOM 10/14/2014 BOT 11/20/2014 UNCGA 5/5/2015 |
POL 05.00.04 | |
Equal Opportunity and Non-Discrimination Training for Employees (REG 04.25.06) | Goldgeier | Revised | EOM 3/31/2015 | REG 04.25.06 | |
Non-Tenure Track Faculty Ranks and Appointments (REG 05.20.34) | Provost | Revised | EOM 3/31/2015 | REG 05.20.34 | |
Crisis Communications Plan (REG04.00.01) | Sischo | Revised | EOM 3/17/2015 | REG 04.00.01 | |
Delegations of Authority to Sign Contracts (REG 01.20.02) | Goldgeier | Revised | EOM 3/3/2015 | REG 01.20.02 | |
Alcohol Policy (POL 04.20.02) | Goldgeier | Revised | EOM 11/25/2014 BOT 02/20/2015 |
POL 04.20.02 | |
Alcohol Regulation (REG 04.20.01) | Goldgeier | Revised | EOM 11/25/2014 | REG 04.20.01 | |
Public Records Request (REG 04.00.02) | Goldgeier | Revised | EOM 01/20/2015 | REG 04.00.02 | |
Solicitation (REG 07.25.12) | Mullen | Revised | EOM 1/6/2015 | REG 07.25.12 | |
Outdoor Assemblies, Events and Public Addresses (REG 11.55.02) | Mullen | Revised | EOM 1/6/2015 | REG 11.55.02 | |
Registered Student Organizations (REG 11.55.07) | Mullen | Revised | EOM 1/6/2015 | REG11.55.07 | |
Late Night Parties in the Talley Student Center (REG 11.60.01) | Mullen | Repealed | EOM 12/16/2014 | REG 11.60.1 | |
Reynolds Coliseum and Weisiger-Brown Basketball Facility: Arena Scheduling Priorities and Procedures (RUL 07.25.01) | Yow | Repealed | EOM Information 12/16/2014 | RUL 07.25.01 | |
Additional Compensation Paid through the University (REG 05.58.01) | Provost | Revised | EOM 12/16/2014 | REG 05.58.01 | |
Review of College Deans (REG 05.50.02) | Provost | Revised | EOM 11/25/2014 | REG 05.58.01 | |
Delegation of Authority to Sign Contracts (REG 01.20.02) | Goldgeier | Revised | EOM 11/25/2014 | REG 01.20.02 | |
New Employee Orientation (REG05.00.01) | Leffler | Revised | EOM 10/28/2014 | REG 05.00.01 | |
Emeritus/Emerita Status for Faculty and Senior Administrators (POL 05.20.02) | Provost | Revised | EOM 09/30/2014 BOT 11/20/2014 |
POL 05.20.02 | |
Consultation and Written Assessments, Recommendations and Responses in RPT Review (REG 05.20.05) | Provost | Revised | EOM 09/30/2014 | REG 05.20.05 | |
Graduate Registration and Resdience Requirements (REG 02.15.05) | Provost | Revised | EOM 9/9/2014 | REG 02.15.05 | |
Resolution Procedures for Discrimination, Harassment, and Retaliation Complaints (REG 04.25.02) | Provost | Revised | EOM 8/12/2014 | REG 04.25.02 | |
Social Event Rule for NC State University Fraternities and Sororities Hosting Social Events (RUL 11.56.01) | Mullen | Revised | EOM Information 8/12/2014 | RUL 11.56.01 | |
Use of the NCSU Libraries (RUL 02.61.05) | Provost | Revised | EOM Information 8/12/2014 | RUL 02.61.05 | |
Instructor Qualifications (NEW) | Provost | New | EOM 7/8/2014 | Instructor Qualifications | |
Assessment of Academic Programs (NEW) | Provost | New | EOM 7/8/2014 | Assessment of Academic Programs | |
Employees Subject to the State Personnel Act (REG 05.00.03) | Leffler | Revised | EOM 5/27/2014 | REG 05.00.03 | |
SPA Grievance and Appeal (REG 05.25.02) | Leffler | Repeal | EOM 5/27/2014 | REG 05.25.02 | |
SPA Employee Performance Pay Dispute Resolution (REG 05.25.01) | Leffler | Repeal | EOM 5/27/2014 | REG 05.25.01 | |
Facilities and Administative Cost (REG10.05.06) | Leffler | Revised | EOM Information 5/13/2014 | REG 10.05.06 | |
Parking and Transportation Ordinances (POL 07.60.01) | Leffler | Revised | BOT 4/25/2014 | POL 07.60.01 | |
Assemblies, Events and Public Addresses (REG 11.55.02) | Provost | Revised | EOM 4/01/2014 | REG 11.55.02 | |
Additional Compensation Paid through the University (REG05.58.01) | Provost | Revised | EOM 4/01/2014 | REG 05.58.01 | |
Non-Tenure Track Faculty Ranks and Appointments (REG05.20.34) | Provost | Revised | EOM 4/01/2014 | REG 05.20.34 | |
Adding and Dropping Courses (REG02.20.02) | Provost | Revised | EOM 4/01/2014 | REG 02.20.02 | |
Withdrawal from the University (REG02.05.04) | Provost | Revised | EOM 4/01/2014 | REG 02.05.04 | |
Grade Exclusion (REG02.20.16) | Provost | Revised | EOM 4/01/2014 | REG 02.20.16 | |
Registered Student Organizatons (REG 11.55.07) | Mullen | Revised | EOM 3/11/2014 | REG 11.55.07 | |
Sustainability Policy (NEW) | Leffler | New | EOM 12/17/2013 BOT 2/26/2014 |
POL 04.20.10 | |
Non-Salary and Deferred Compensation (POL 05.15.03) | Chancellor | Revised | BOT 2/26/2014 | POL 05.15.03 | |
Building Locking System (NEW REG 04.05.04) | Leffler | New | EOM 01/28/2014 | NEW REG04.05.04 | |
Faculty Teaching Workload (NEW REG 05.20.37) | Provost | New | EOM Information 01/28/2014 | NEW REG05.20.37 | |
Additional Compensation Paid through the University (NEW REG 05.58.01) | Provost & Leffler | New | EOM Review 1/14/2014 | NEW REG 05.58.01 | |
Supplemental Pay for EPA Employees (REG 05.20.14) | Provost & Leffler | Repealed | EOM Review 1/14/2014 | REG 05.20.14 | |
Summer Salary and Supplemental Pay for Nine Month Faculty (REG 05.20.35) | Provost & Leffler | Repealed | EOM Review 1/14/2014 | REG 05.20.35 | |
Vehicular Access to Brick and Turf Areas (REG 07.25.09) | Leffler | Revised | EOM 12/17/2013 | REG 07.25.09 | |
RPT Dossier Format Requirements (REG 05.20.20) | Provost | Revised | EOM Information 12/17/12013 | REG05.20.20 | |
Statements of Mutual Expectations (REG 05.20.27) | Provost | Revised | EOM Information 12/17/2013 | REG 05.20.27 | |
Consultation and Written Assessments, Recommendations and Responses in RPT Review (05.20.05) | Provost | Revised | EOM Information 12/17/2013 | REG 05.20.05 | |
Non-Tenure Track Faculty Ranks and Appointments (REG 05.20.34) | Provost | Revised | EOM Information 12/17/2013 | REG 05.20.34 | |
Post Tenure Review of Faculty (REG 05.20.04) | Provost | Revised | EOM Information 12/17/2013 | REG 05.20.04 | |
Equipment Acquisition and Management (REG 10.05.04) | Leffler | Revised | EOM Review 11/19/2013 | REG 10.05.04 | |
Scholarly Reassignment for Faculty (REG 05.20.24) | Provost | Revised | EOM Information 11/19/2013 | REG 05.20.24 | |
Tenure Clock (REG 05.20.31) | Provost | Revised | EOM Information 11/19/2013 | REG 05.20.31 | |
Trademark Licensing Rules (RUL 01.25.01) | Leffler | Revised | EOM Information 10/29/2013 | RUL 01.25.01 | |
Misuse of State Property (REG07.40.02) | Goldgeier | Revised | EOM Review 10/29/2013 | REG 07.40.02 | |
Direct Deposit of Pay (REG 05.45.01) | Leffler | Revised | EOM Information 9/10/2013 | REG 05.45.01 | |
Non-Tenure Track Faculty Ranks and Appointments (REG 05.20.34) | Provost | Revised | EOM Information 9/10/2013 | REG 05.20.34 | |
Graduate Assistantships and Fellowships (Traineeship) (REG 02.70.01) | Provost | Revised | EOM Information 9/10/2013 | REG 02.70.01 | |
Appointment, Reappointment, Promotion and Permanent Tenure (POL 05.20.01) | Provost | Revised | EOM Approval 9/10/2013 | POL 05.20.01 | |
Copyright Implementation Pursuant to Copyright Use and Ownership Policy of the University of North Carolina (REG 01.25.03) | Provost | Revised | EOM Approval 9/10/2013 | REG 01.25.03 | |
Equal Opportunity and Non-Discrimination Policy (POL 04.25.02) | Provost | Revised | EOM Approval 9/10/23 | POL 04.25.02 | |
Interpersonal Relationships Policy (POL 04.20.06) | Provost | Revised | EOM Approval 9/10/2013 | POL 04.20.06 | |
Professorships of Distinction (REG05.20.17) | Provost | Revised | EOM Approval 9/10/2013 | REG 05.20.17 | |
Delegations of Authority to Sign Contracts (REG01.20.02) | Leffler | Revised | EOM 8/13/2013 | REG 01.20.02 | |
Board of Trustees Bylaws (POL01.05.01) | Chancellor | Revised | EOM Approval 7/9/2013 BOT Approval 7/10/2013 | POL 01.05.01 | |
Definition of Credit Hour (REG02.20.17) | Provost | New | EOM Information 7/9/2013 | REG 02.20.17 | |
Substantive Change Regulation (REG01.25.16) | Provost | New | EOM Approval 7/9/2013 | NEW REG 01.25.16 | |
Delegation of Authority to Sign Contracts (REG01.20.02) | Lomax | Revised | EOM Information 7/9/2013 | REG 01.20.02 | |
University Housing Disciplinary (RUL11.31.01) | Mullen | Revised | EOM Information 7/9/2013 | RUL 11.31.01 | |
Credit by Examination (REG 02.50.01) | Provost | Revised | EOM Information 5/28/2013 | REG 02.50.01 | |
Accelerated Bachelor’s/Master’s (ABM) Degree Program (REG 02.25.11) | Provost | Revised | EOM Information 5/28/2013 | REG 02.25.11 | |
Professorships of Distinction (REG 05.20.17) | Provost | Revised | EOM Information 5/14/2013 | REG 05.20.17 | |
Sustainability Policy (NEW) | Leffler | New | EOM Review 5/14/2013 | NEW POL 04.20.10 | |
Graduate Registration and Residence Requirements (REG 02.15.05) | Provost | Revised | EOM Information 5/14/2013 | REG 02.15.05 | |
Acquisitions and Dispositions (REG 07.50.01) | Leffler | Revised | EOM 3/19/2013 | REG 07.50.01 | |
Research Policy (POL 10.00.02) | Lomax | Revised | EOM 4/2/2013 BOT 4/19/2013 |
POL 10.00.02 | |
Drug Testing Policy (POL 09.00.02) | Yow | Revised | EOM 3/19/2013 BOT 4/19/2013 |
POL 09.00.02 | |
Drug Education, Screening, Counseling and Deterrence Program (NEW REG) | Yow | New | EOM 3/19/2013 | NEW REG 09.00.04 | |
Parking and Transportation Ordinances (POL 07.60.01) | Leffler | Revised | EOM 4/2/2013 BOT 4/19/2013 |
POL 07.60.01
Delegation of Authority to Sign Contracts (REG 01.20.02) | Provost | Revised | EOM 4/16/2013 | REG 01.20.02 | |
Disposal of University Property (REG 07.40.01) | Leffler | Revised | EOM Information 4/16/2013 | REG 07.40.1 | |
Purchase Card (REG 07.45.05) | Leffler | Revised | EOM Information 4/16/2013 | REG 07.45.05 | |
Tuition Waiver for Faculty and Staff (REG 07.55.08) | Leffler | Revised | EOM 4/2/2013 | REG 07.55.08 | |
Background Checks (REG 05.55.08) | Leffler | Revised | EOM 4/2/2013 | REG 05.55.08 | |
Computer Use Regulation(REG 08.00.02) | Hoit | Revised | EOM 4/2/2013 | REG 08.00.02 | |
SPA Recruitment and Selection (REG 05.55.04) | Leffler | Revised | EOM Information 3/5/2013 | REG 05.55.04 | |
Selection (REG 05.55.05) | Leffler | Repealed | EOM Information 3/5/2013 | REG 05.55.05 | |
Appointment, Reappointment, Promotion & Permanent Tenure for DASA (POL 05.20.01) | Provost | Revised | EOM Review 2/5/2013 BOT Review 2/22/2013 | POL 05.20.01 | |
Firearms (REG06.05.01) | Leffler | Revised | EOM Review 2/5/2013 | REG 06.05.01 | |
Approval of Noncredit Course Offerings to Award Continuing Education Units (CEUs) (REG 06.10.01) | Provost | Revised | EOM Information 2/5/2013 | REG 06.10.01 | |
Standard Operating Procedures for Crisis Communications (REG 04.00.01) | Bohlander | Revised | EOM Review 1/8/2013 | REG 04.00.01 | |
Review of Vice Chancellor and Dean of Academic Programs and Student Affairs, Dean of Graduate School, and Vice Provosts (REG 05.50.05) | Provost | Revised | EOM Information 1/8/2013 | REG 05.50.05 | |
Consultation and Written Assessments, Recommendations and Responses in RPT Review (REG 05.20.05) | Provost | Revised | EOM Information 1/8/2013 | REG 05.20.05 | |
Course Syllabus (REG 02.20.07) | Provost | Revised | EOM Information 1/8/2013 | REG 02.20.07 | |
Non-Tenure Track Faculty Ranks and Appointments for DASA (REG 05.20.34) | Provost | Revised | EOM Discussion 1/8/2013 | REG 05.20.34 | |
Professors of Distinction (REG 05.20.17) | Provost | Revised | EOM Review 1/8/2013 | REG 05.20.17 | |
Eligibility for Continued Receipt of Financial Aid (REG 02.70.02) | Provost | Revised | EOM Review 1/8/2013 | REG 02.70.02 | |
Postdoctoral Scholars (REG 10.10.08) | Lomax | Revised | EOM Review 1/8/2013 | REG 10.10.08 | |
Annual Evaluation of EPA Non-Faculty (NEW REG 05.50.08) | Leffler | New | EOM Review 10/23/2012 | REG 05.50.08 | |
EPA Non-Faculty Employee Reviews and Appeals (NEW REG 05.25.06) | Leffler | New | EOM Review 10/23/2012 | NEW REG 05.25.06 | |
Illegal Drugs (POL 04.20.05) | Provost | Revised | EOM 8/21/2012
BOT – 9/21/2012 |
POL 04.20.05 | |
Graduate Assistantships and Fellowships (Traineeships) REG 02.70.01 | Provost | Revised | 8/7/2012 EOM Information | REG 02.70.01 | |
Non-Tenure Track Faculty Ranks and Appointments (REG 05.20.34) | Provost | Revised | 8/7/2012 EOM Information | REG 05.20.34 | |
Postdoctoral Scholars (REG 10.10.08) | Lomax | Revised | 8/7/2012 EOM | REG 10.10.08 | |
Reappointment, Promotion, and Tenure Dossier Format Requirements (REG 05.20.20) | Provost | Revised | 7/10/2012 EOM Information | REG 05.20.20 | |
Security of Sensitive Plans, Designs, and Construction Documents, Arrangements and Drawings (NEW) | Leffler | New | 7/10/2012 EOM Information | REG 04.00.08 | |
Course Registration (REG 02.15.04) | Provost | Revised | EOM Information 6/12/12 | REG 02.15.04 | |
Course Load (REG 02.20.05) | Provost | Revised | EOM Information 6/12/12 | REG 02.20.05 | |
Summer Salary and Supplemental Pay for Nine-Month Faculty (REG 05.20.35) | Provost | Revised | EOM Information 5/22/12 | REG 05.20.35 | |
Delegation of Authority to Sign Contracts (REG 01.20.02) | General Counsel | Revised | EOM Review 5/22/12 | REG 01.20.02 | |
Curator of Alcohol (POL 04.20.03) | Leffler | Repealed | EOM Approval 1/24/2012
BOT Approval 4/20/2012 |
POL 04.20.03 | |
Ethyl Alcohol (REG 04.20.02) | Leffler | Revised | EOM Information 1/24/2012 | REG 04.20.2 | |
Tenure Clock (REG05.20.31) | Provost | Revised | EOM Information 5/1/2012 | REG 05.20.31 | |
Parental Leave for Graduate Students (NEW REG) | Provost | New | EOM Information 5/1/2012 | New REG Parental Leave for Grad Students | |
Campus/Workplace Violence Prevention (REG04.05.02) | Leffler | Revised | EOM Information 4/10/12 | REG 04.05.20 | |
Review of Associate Deans (NEW REG 05.50.07) | Provost | New | EOM Information 3/27/2012 | REG 05.50.07 | |
Code of Student Conduct (POL 11.35.01) | Provost | Revised | EOM Approval 3/27/2012 | POL 11.35.1 | |
Department of Communication Reappointment, Promotion and Tenure Standards and Procedures (RUL 05.67.400) | Provost | Revised | EOM Information 3/27/2012 | RUL 05.67.40 | |
University Space (REG 07.25.14) | Provost | Repealed | EOM Information 3/27/2012 | REG 07.25.14 | |
Withdrawal of Graduate Students from the University (RUL 02.15.07) | Provost | Repealed | EOM Information 3/27/2012 | RUL 02.15.07 | |
Solicitation (REG 07.25.12) | Stafford | Revised | EOM Review 3/27/2012 | REG 07.25.12 | |
Outdoor Assemblies (REG 11.55.02) | Stafford | Revised | EOM Review 3/27/2012 | REG 11.55.02 | |
Painting, Sidewalk Chalking and Use of Posters (REG 11.55.04) | Stafford | Revised | EOM Review 3/27/2012 | REG 11.55.04 | |
Instructions for Soliciting Construction Work at NC State University (REG 07.20.02) | Leffler | Repealed | EOM Information 3/27/2012 | REG 07.20.2 | |
Bid Rules for Informal Contracts (REG 07.20.01) | Leffler | Repealed | EOM Information 3/27/2012 | REG 07.20.1 | |
Modifications to the Financials and Human Resources Systems (REG 08.00.06) | Leffler | Repealed | EOM Information 3/27/2012 | REG 08.00.6 | |
Production, Service and Sale of Food (REG 11.55.01) | Leffler | Revised | EOM Information 3/27/2012 | REG 11.55.01 | |
Appointment, Reappointment, Promotion and Permanent Tenure (POL 05.20.01) | Provost | Revised | EOM Approved 1/10/2012 | POL 05.20.01 | |
Qualifications for Rank (REG 05.20.18) | Provost | Repealed
EOM Information 1/10/2012 | REG 05.20.18 | |
Joint and Associate Faculty Appointments (REG 05.20.13) | Provost | Repealed | EOM Information 1/10/2012 | REG 05.20.13 | |
Cellular Telephone (REG 08.00.01) | Leffler | Repealed | EOM Information 2/14/2012 | REG 08.00.1 | |
Firearms (REG 06.05.01) | Leffler | Revised | EOM Information 2/14/2012 | REG 06.05.01 | |
SPA Grievance and Appeal (REG 05.25.02) | Leffler | Revised | EOM Information 2/14/2012 | REG 05.25.02 | |
Residency Appeals Procedure (REG 01.25.07) | Provost | Revised | EOM Review 2/14/2012 | REG 01.25.07 | |
Registration and Residence Requirements (REG 02.15.05) | Provost | Revised | EOM Review 2/14/2012 | REG 02.15.05 | |
Withdrawal – Special Circumstances (REG 07.55.06) | Leffler | Repealed | EOM Information 1/24/2012 | REG 07.55.06 | |
Residency Appeals Procedures (REG 01.25.07) | Provost | Revised | EOM Information 1/24/2012 | REG 01.25.07 | |
Hearing Procedure for Scholarships and Student Aid Committee (REG 11.00.02) | Provost | Repealed | EOM Information 1/24/2012 | REG 11.00.02 | |
Non-Renewal of Athletically Related Financial Aid (REG 09.00.01) | Provost | Revised | EOM Information 1/24/2012 | REG 09.00.10 | |
Summer Research Supplemental Pay Procedure – Nine Month Employee (REG 10.10.06) | Lomax | Repealed | EOM Information 1/24/2012 | REG 10.10.06 | |
Post Tenure Review of Faculty (REG 05.20.04) | Provost | Revised | EOM Information 1/10/2012 | REG 05.20.04 | |
Scholarly External Evaluations for RPT Review (REG 05.20.11) | Provost | Repealed | EOM Information 1/10/2012 | REG 05.20.11 | |
Written Assessments, Recommendations, and Responses in RPT (REG 05.20.33) | Provost | Repealed | EOM Information 1/10/2012 | REG 05.20.33 | |
Consultation and Written Assessments, Recommendations and Responses in RPT Review (REG 05.20.05) | Provost | Revised | EOM Information 1/10/2012 | REG 05.20.05 | |
Reappointment, Promotion and Tenure Dossier Format Requirements (REG 05.20.20) | Provost | Revised | EOM Information 1/10/2012 | REG 05.20.20 | |
Continuation of Undergraduate Enrollment (REG 02.05.01) | Provost | Revised | EOM Information 1/10/2012 | REG 02.05.01 | |
Raffles (REG 11.55.05) | Stafford | Repeal | EOM Information 11/29/2011 | REG 11.55.05 | |
Graduate Student Discipline Procedures (REG 11.35.3) | Provost | Revised | EOM Information 11/29/2011 | REG 11.35.3 | |
Non-Degree Studies Enrollment (NEW RUL 02.66.03) | Provost | New | EOM Information 11/29/2011 | RUL 02.66.03 | |
Continuation of Undergraduate Enrollment (REG 02.05.01) | Provost | Revised | EOM Information 11/29/2011 | REG 02.05.15 | |
Grade and Credit in Graduate Courses (REG 02.45.2) | Provost | Revised | EOM Information 11/29/2011 | REG 02.45.2 | |
Course Registration (REG 02.15.4) | Provost | Revised | EOM Information 11/29/2011 | REG 02.15.4 | |
Awarding Multiple Degrees (REG 02.25.2) | Provost | Revised | EOM Information 11/29/2011 | REG 02.25.2 | |
Graduate Examination (REG 02.25.4) | Provost | Revised | EOM Information 11/29/2011 | REG 02.25.4 | |
Degree Requirements (REG 02.25.5) | Provost | Revised | EOM Information 11/29/2011 | REG 02.25.5 | |
Accelerated Bachelors-Masters (ABM) Degree Program (REG 02.25.11) | Provost | Revised | EOM Information 11/29/2011 | REG 02.25.11 | |
Membership in the Graduate Faculty (REG 02.40.1) | Provost | Revised | EOM Information 11/29/2011 | REG 02.40.1 | |
Academic Difficulty (REG 02.45.1) | Provost | Revised | EOM Information 11/29/2011 | REG 02.45.1 | |
Completion of Graduate Course of Study (REG 02.45.3) | Provost | Repeal | EOM Information 11/29/2011 | REG 02.45.3 | |
English Proficiency Requirements for International Applicants (REG 02.15.2) | Provost | Repeal | EOM Information 11/29/2011 | REG 02.15.2 | |
Application to the Graduate School (REG 02.15.3) | Provost | Repeal | EOM Information 11/29/2011 | REG 02.15.3 | |
Transferring from One Curriculum or Degree Program to Another (REG 02.15.6) | Provost | Repeal | EOM Information 11/29/2011 | REG 02.15.6 | |
Official Withdrawal of Graduate Students from the University (REG 02.15.7) | Provost | Repeal | EOM Information 11/29/2011 | REG 02.15.7 | |
Graduate CoMajors, Minors, and External Minors (REG 02.25.3) | Provost | Repeal | EOM Information 11/29/2011 | REG 02.25.3 | |
Graduate Student Advisory Committees (REG 02.25.7) | Provost | Repeal | EOM Information 11/29/2011 | REG 02.25.7 | |
Plan of Graduate Work (REG 02.25.8) | Provost | Repeal | EOM Information 11/29/2011 | REG 02.25.8 | |
Theses and Dissertations (REG 02.25.9) | Provost | Repeal | EOM Information 11/29/2011 | REG 02.25.9 | |
Adding and Dropping Courses (REG 02.20.2) | Provost | Revised | EOM Information 11/29/2011 | REG 02.20.02 | |
Grades and Grade Point Average (REG 02.50.03) | Provost | Revised | EOM Information 11/8/2011 | REG02.50.03 Grades and GPA | |
Grade Point Average (REG 02.50.04) | Provost | Repeal | EOM Information 11/8/2011 | REG02.50.04 Grade Point Average | |
Posting Grades (REG 02.50.05) | Provost | Repeal | EOM Information 11/8/2011 | REG 02.50.05 Posting Grades | |
Correction of Error in Grading (REG 02.65.02) | Provost | Repeal | EOM Information 11/8/2011 | REG02.65.02 Correcting Grade Error | |
Credentials Required for Teaching Graduate Courses (RUL 02.41.01) | Provost | New | EOM Information 11/8/2011 | RUL02.41.01 Graduate School Teaching | |
Non-Tenure Track Faculty Ranks and Appointments (REG 05.20.34) | Provost | Revised | EOM Information 11/8/2011 | REG05.20.34 Non-Tenure Track | |
AllCampus Network Cards (REG 11.15.01) | Leffler | Repealed | EOM Information 11/8/2011 | REG11.15.01 AllCampus Network Cards | |
University Dining (REG 11.15.02) | Leffler | Repealed | EOM Information 11/8/2011 | REG 11.15.2 | |
Emeritus/Emerita Faculty Status Procedure (REG 05.20.6) | Arden | Repealed | EOM Review 10/4/2011 | REG05.20.06 Emeritus Status Procedure | |
Pandemic and Communicable Disease Emergencies (REG 04.20.8) | Leffler | Repealed | EOM Information 10/4/2011 | REG 04.20.8 | |
Alteration, Renovation, Maintenance and Repair of Facilities (REG 07.25.1) | Leffler | Revised | EOM Information 10/4/2011 | REG 07.25.1 | |
Facilities Modification Request (REG 07.25.2) | Leffler | Repealed | EOM Information 10/4/2011 | REG07.25.02 Facilities Modifications | |
Student Radio Station (POL 11.00.02) | Stafford | Repeal | EOM Review 8/9/2011
BOT Review 9/16/2011 |
POL11.00.2 Student Radio Station (doc) | |
Holladay Medal for Excellence (POL 01.30.01) | Arden | Revised | EOM Reviewed 5/17/2011
BOT Review 9/16/2011 |
POL01.30.1 Holladay Medal(doc) | |
Emeritus/Emerita Status for Faculty and Administrative Officers (POL 05.20.2) | Arden | Revised | EOM Reviewed 5/17/2011
BOT Review 9/16/2011 |
POL05.20.2 Emeritus Status-FAO (doc) | |
Emeritus/Emerita Status for Senior Academic Administrative Officers (POL 05.15.2) | Arden | Repealed | EOM Reviewed 5/17/2011
BOT Review 9/16/2011 |
POL05.15.2 Emeritus Status-SAAO (doc) | |
Multicultural Student Affairs Requirements (REG 11.00.3) | Stafford | Repeal | EOM Review 9/6/2011 | REG11.00.3 Multicultural Student Affairs (doc) | |
Housing Disciplinary Procedures (REG 11.30.1) | Stafford | Repeal | EOM Review 9/6/2011 | REG11.30.1 Disciplinary Procedures (doc) | |
University Housing Disciplinary Procedures (NEW RUL 11.31.1) | Stafford | New | EOM Review 9/6/2011 | RUL11.31.1 Disciplinary Procedures (doc) | |
Faculty Discharge Hearing Procedures (NEW REG 05.25.5) | Arden | New | EOM Review 9/6/2011 | REG05.25.5 Faculty Discharge Hearings (doc) | |
Tenure Clock (REG 05.20.31) | Arden | Revised | EOM Information Only 9/6/2011 | REG05.20..31 Tenure Clock (doc) | |
Course Repeat (REG 02.20.6) | Arden | Revised | EOM Review 8/23/2011 | REG02.20.6 Course Repeat (doc) | |
Undergraduate Grade Exclusion (NEW REG 02.20.16) | Arden | New | EOM Review 8/23/2011 | NEW REG Grade Exclusion(doc) | |
Credit by Examination (REG 02.50.1) | Arden | Revised | EOM Review 8/23/2011 | REG02.50.1 Credit by Exam (doc) | |
Credit by Examination through Independent Studies (REG 02.50.2) | Arden | Repealed | EOM Review 8/23/2011 | REG02.50.2 Credit by Exam Ind Studies (doc) | |
College-Level Examination Program (REG 02.10.01) | Arden | Repealed | EOM Review 8/23/2011 | REG02.10.01 College-Level Exam (doc) | |
Summer Session Course Cancellation (REG 02.20.12) | Arden | Repealed | EOM Review 8/23/2011 | REG02.20.12 SS Course Cancellation (doc) | |
Readmission of Former and Suspended Students (REG 02.10.2) | Arden | Revised | EOM Review 8/23/2011 | REG02.10.2Readmission (doc) | |
Registration Cancellation (REG 02.65.4) | Arden | Revised | EOM Review 8/23/2011 | REG02.65.4 Registration Cancellation (doc) | |
NCSU Scholarships Based on Merit Exceeding Cost of Attendance for Undergraduate Students (REG 02.70.4) | Arden | Revised | EOM Review 8/23/2011 | REG02.70.4 Merit Based Scholarships (doc) | |
Samuel P. Langley Term Professorship Award Procedure (RUL 05.21.19) | Arden | New | EOM Info Only 8/9/2011 | New Rule Langley Term Professorship (doc) | |
Faculty Grievance and Non-Reappointment Review (NEW REG 05.25.4) | Arden | New | EOM Review 8/9/2011 | New REG Faculty Grievance and Non-Reappt Review (doc) | |
Information and Communication Technology Accessibility (REG 04.25.5) | Hoit Goldgeier | Revised | EOM Review 8/9/2011 | REG04.25.5 ICT Accessibility(doc) | |
Student Discipline Procedures (REG 11.35.2) | Stafford | Revised | EOM Review 8/9/2011 | REG11.35.2 Student Discipline Procedures (doc) | |
Procedures for Reconsideration of Expulsion (REG 11.35.1) | Stafford | Repealed | EOM Review 8/9/2011 | REG11.35.1 Expulsion Procedures (doc) | |
Graduate Student Grievance Procedures (NEW REG 11.40.2) | Goldgeier | New | EOM Review 8/9/2011 | NEW REG Graduate Student Grievance Procedures (doc) | |
Undergraduate Student Grievance Procedures (REG 11.40.1) |
Goldgeier | Revised | EOM Review 8/9/2011 | REG11.40.1 Undergraduate Student Grievance Procedures (doc) | |
CVM House Officers (NEW REG 05.20.36) |
Arden | New | EOM Review 8/9/2011 | NEW REG CVM House Officers(doc) | |
Privacy and Confidentiality of Individually Identifiable Health Information (REG 01.25.09) | Goldgeier | Revised | EOM Review 8/9/2011 | REG 01.25.09 Privacy and Confidentiality of Individually Identifiable Health Information(doc) | |
TEARS (The Employment Activity Reporting System) REG 10.05.15 |
Leffler | Revised | EOM Info Only 8/9/2011 | REG10.05.15 TEARS (pdf) | |
Cost Sharing (REG 10.05.2) | Leffler | Revised | EOM Info Only 8/9/2011 | REG10.05.2CostSharing (pdf) | |
Payroll Redistributions (REG 10.05.8) |
Leffler | Revised | EOM Info Only 8/9/2011 | REG 10.05.8 Payroll Redistributions (pdf) | |
Transfers and Adjustments (REG 10.05.14) |
Leffler | Revised | EOM Info Only 8/9/2011 | REG 10.05.14 Transfers and Adjustments (pdf) | |
Budget Overdraft (REG 10.05.11) |
Leffler | Revised | EOM Info Only 8/9/2011 | REG 10.05.11 Budget Overdraft (pdf) | |
Controller’s Office PRRs | Leffler | Repealed | EOM Info Only 8/9/2011 | Controller’s Regs Repealed (doc) | |
Student Housing PRRs | Stafford | Repealed | EOM Info Only 8/9/2011 | REG 11.30.2 Housing Keys(doc)
REG 11.30.3 Personalizing Your Room (doc) REG 11.30.5 Lofts (doc) |
Uniform Student Grievance Procedure (POL 11.40.1) | Arden | Repealed | EOM Reviewed 7/6/2011
BOT Reviewed 7/12/2011 |
POL10.00.1 Final Draft (doc) | |
Student Appeals to the BOT (POL 01.05.11) | Arden | Repeal | EOM Reviewed 7/6/2011
BOT Reviewed 7/12/2011 |
POL05.20.2 Final Draft (doc) | |
Patent Procedures (POL 10.00.1) | Arden Lomax | Revised | EOM Reviewed 5/3/2011
UNC President Reviewed 6/9/2011 BOT Reviewed 7/13/2011 |
POL10.00.1 Final Draft-13-11 (doc) | |
Eligibility for Continued Receipt of Financial Aid (REG 02.70.2) | Arden | Revised | EOM Reviewed 6/7/2011 | REG02.70.2 Final Draft (doc) | |
Approval for Faculty Enrollment in Advanced Degree Program (REG 05.20.12) | Arden | Revised | EOM Info Only 5/17/2011 | REG 05.20.12 Final Draft (doc) | |
Annual Reviews of Faculty Members (REG 05.20.3) | Arden | Revised | EOM Info Only 5/17/2011 | REG05.20.3 Final Draft (doc) | |
Procedure for Nominating Recipients for the Holladay Medal for Excellence (REG 01.30.1) | Arden | New | EOM Info Only 5/17/2011 | N/A | |
Faculty Involvement in the Process of Selecting a Provost and Executive Vice Chancellor, Dean, Academic Dept Head/Chair, and Assoc and Assist Academic Offices (New SOP) | Arden | New SOP | EOM Info Only 5/17/2011 | New SOP Final Draft (doc) | |
Summer Salary for EPA Employees (REG 05.20.35) | Arden | Revised | EOM Review 5/17/2011 | REG05.20.35 Final Draft (doc) | |
Professorships of Distinction (REG 05.20.17) | Arden | Revised | EOM Review 5/17/2011 | REG05.20.17 Final Draft (doc) | |
Test and Examination (REG 02.20.14) | Arden | Revised | EOM Info Only 5/17/2011 | REG02.20.14 Final Draft (doc) | |
Club Sports, Campus Recreation (REG 11.05.1) | Stafford | Repealed | EOM Info Only 5/17/2011 | REG11.05.1 Final Draft (doc) | |
Fitness/Wellness, Campus Recreation (REG 11.05.2) | Stafford | Repealed | EOM Info Only 5/17/2011 | REG11.05.2 Final Draft (doc) | |
Intramural Sports, Campus Recreation (REG 11.05.3) | Stafford | Repealed | EOM Info Only 5/17/2011 | REG11.05.3 Final Draft (doc) | |
Outdoor Adventures, Campus Recreation (REG 11.05.4) | Stafford | Repealed | EOM Info Only 5/17/2011 | REG11.05.4 Final Draft (doc) | |
Acquiring a Publisher Complimentary Textbook (REG 07.10.01) | Leffler | Repealed | EOM Info Only 5/17/2011 | REG07.10.01 Final Draft (doc) | |
Listing of Required Course Materials (REG 07.10.02) | Leffler | Revised | EOM Info Only 5/17/2011 | REG07.10.02 Final Draft (doc) | |
Use of NC State Campus for Commercial Photography, Filmmaking, and Videotaping (REG 04.00.5) | Kessler | Revised | EOM Reviewed 5/3/2011 | REG04.00.5 Final Draft (doc) | |
Crisis Communication Plan (REG 04.00.1) | Kessler | Revised | EOM Reviewed 5/3/2011 | REG04.00.1 Final Draft (doc) | |
Employees Subject to the State Personnel Act (New REG 05.00.3) | Leffler | New | EOM Reviewed 5/3/2011 | New REG05.00.3 Final Draft(doc) | |
Parking and Transportation Ordinances (POL 07.60.1) | Leffler | Revised | EOM Reviewed 4/5/2011
BOT Reviewed 4/22/2011 |
POL07.60.1 Final Draft (doc) | |
Bylaws: Board of Trustees (POL 01.05.1) | Goldgeier Teal | Consolidated | EOM Reviewed 4/5/2011
BOT Reviewed 4/22/2011 |
POL01.05.1 Final Draft (doc) | |
Criteria and Procedures for Naming Facilities and Programs (POL 03.00.2) | Kessler | Revised | EOM Reviewed 4/5/2011
BOT Reviewed 4/22/2011 |
POL03.00.2 Final Draft (doc) | |
Non-Renewal of Athletically Related Financial Aid (REG 09.00.1) | Doyle Mallette | Consolidated | EOM Reviewed 4/5/2011 | REG09.00.1 Final Draft (doc) | |
Eligibility for Continued Receipt of Financial Aid (REG 02.70.2) | Arden | Revised | EOM Reviewed 6/7/2011 | REG02.70.2 Final Draft (doc) | |
Honorary Degrees (POL 01.30.2) | Arden | Revised | EOM Reviewed 3/29/2011
BOT Reviewed 4/22/2011 |
POL01.30.2 Final Draft (doc) | |
Endowment Fund Investment Policy (POL 01.10.2) | Leffler | Repealed | EOM Reviewed 3/29/2011
BOT Reviewed 4/22/2011 |
POL01.10.2 Final Draft (doc) | |
University Acceptance of Private Donations (POL 03.00.3) | Goldgeier | Revised | EOM Reviewed 3/29/2011
BOT Reviewed 4/22/2011 |
POL 03.00.1(doc) | |
University Record Retention and Disposition (REG 01.25.12) | Goldgeier | Revised | EOM Reviewed 3/1/2011 | REG01.25.12 Final Draft (doc) | |
Family Educational Rights and Privacy (FERPA) (REG 11.00.1) | Goldgeier | Revised | EOM Reviewed 3/29/2011 | REG11.00.1 Final Draft (doc) | |
Parent Notification of Alcohol and Drug Violations for Students Under the Age of 21 (REG 11.00.4) | Goldgeier | Repealed | EOM Reviewed 3/29/2011 | REG11.00.4 Final Draft (do |